the public sector

The Public Sector Has Transformed

Institutions can now create their own TV solutions with low-cost Webtv options.

The public sector has transformed. Being a model in every innovation of the sector, public institutions have adopted online video and webtv solutions as the basic method for reaching at the citizens.

Openings and conferences go live on the web, including the social media platforms. Institutions can now create their own TV solutions with low-cost Webtv options. In this way, public institutions can have their own media platform and become much more recognized.

Particularly the ministries, municipalities and local governments can announce their activities easily. Turn-key Web TV infrastructures that could be integrated with Mediatriple CDN services, are offered in order to provide non-stop high quality service that suits different budgets.

We can explain to you what benefits our services will provide you; so you can accelerate your business.